Ceremony of Remembrance For Matt Smith
Wednesday July 29th, 6MT/8ET
Matt left a mark in this world, and an impact on so many lives at Attain Health Foundation.
We would like to invite you to come together next week to share stories and light a candle, honoring the amazing friend that Matt has been to so many of us.
This secular ceremony will be facilitated by Isa Stenzel Bynres, she lives with CF, is a transplant recipient, bereavement social worker, health educator, and patient advocate. Working for more than a decade with organizations such as the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, she has supported patients of all ages and their families. After a bereavement care fellowship at LPCH, she now works in bereavement care at Mission Hospice in San Mateo.
Please come with your heart wide open, or in silence. Just remember that we want to hold space for everyone. So, if you have a story to share, make sure that it honors the time for others to also share.
If you are comfortable, please also bring a candle for a community moment honoring our dear friend.
Sign up below, so that we can let Isa know how many people to expect.