More than My Diagnosis:
Gender and Cystic Fibrosis
Friday, December 11, 2020
10am - 2pm PST
Individuals living with chronic conditions are frequently defined by their illness to the exclusion of all other aspects of the person's identity. As a growing number of children with cystic fibrosis and other chronic progressive illnesses survive past the age of ten, questions previously unexplored by this population of youth are now arising and must be accounted for in treatment plans. This includes issues related to gender identity. For tweens and teens negotiating the tasks of adolescence, who they are as gendered beings is front and center as they mature. To ignore it, or worse, to deny its very real presence in the life of a young patient not only fails to see their fullness as people, but also impacts your ability to build the needed relationship upon which effective care must rest. We see this front and center in the adult clinics as individuals are divulging their gender journey in their 20s, 30s and 40s. We know that childhood is often the time in which we recognize our gender, however, chronic illness may delay the ability to live authentically late into adulthood.
This half-day gathering will build the capacity of care-team members to proactively account for and address the evolving gender experiences of their patients (both pediatric and adult). The day will begin with a straightforward exploration of gender terminology and concepts, as well as the critical impact of caregiver affirmation on the health and wellness of our CF community.
An individual rate of $75 per person
A clinic rate of $300 - this includes as many people as are able to come
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a professional conference for the care teams, or members of the hospital staff who work with anyone in chronic disease, CF will just be the example for how they intersect
If you sign up and cannot make it, it will be recorded and available for viewing, using your unique login
For any other questions, please contact Kat Porco ( or 406-210-1143)